Not easily traveled with the kids, especially if it was a toddler. There are always problems that occur in transit or when arriving at the destination. Consider three problems that often occur when traveling with kids and solutions: Fear of Flying Many children have a fear of flying in an airplane , as well as adults. Typically, adults will easily overcome fear of flying by taking medicine that anti mabuk asleep during the flight. For small children, this can not be done. Usually they will cry, yell, and refuses to sit still. The solution, before going on, read a book about airplanes. Tell them how the plane can fly, what will happen during the flight, and the sounds that will appear in the plane. .

Here are some suggestions for travelling with kids

Must try to flight at sleeping time with kids:

It is very hard to flight at night but, if you are travelling with your kids, it is very necessary to take a flight at night. All your journey will be connect with sleep and you will find your destination fine till you get in touch with your destination.At all, you will hear a sound that wao!"your kids are quite well-behaved during the flight"

Bring some entertainment material for kids:

Kids are flexible with the atmosphere in which they are, you must take some source of entertainment for your kids so that they reserved at their own end.There are some gadgets for kids playing
Portable videos
An MP3 player
New games videos
Little toys
Kid's find-a-word, mad-libs,crosswords jokes,puzzle books  Sudoku etc

Reward your child:

children are very selfish for gifts so,you must keep hidden gifts for the babies when the show some positive behaviour you must reward them with a gift.This will prove your surprise gift and they keep calm during the flight.

Snacks and junk food:

As we know that junk food is not worthy for the babies but journey is totally game changer thing.snacks put the kids busy but it also may the cause of napping.So keep in mind all those foods that keep you away from napping and benificial for the kids.There are may varieties of junk foods that will prove fine during the flight.

Take assistance of the flight attendant:

It is quite sure that children are very good listener of the stranger so one must take the assistance of the flight attendant If they are not ready to fasten the seat belt you simply ask the flight attendant and your problem get out.


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